Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development of Cultural Landscapes Inventory, Ebey’s Landing National Historical Reserve

Project ID: P22AC00831

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $55,968

Total Funding: $55,968

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: Ebey’s Landing NHR

Principal Investigator: Melnick, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Germano, Vida

Abstract: This project will contribute to greater public understanding of the cultural significance of one of the first publicly recognized cultural landscapes in the nation by sharing knowledge with the Ebey’s Landing Trust Board and the general public by producing a detailed site history analysis, documentation, and evaluation of this significant place that can be used both for planning and visitor interpretation. The final Cultural Landscape Inventory will be publicly available on the NPS Resource Stewardship Management Applications website.

Project Objectives – Investigators from the University of Oregon (UO) and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following objectives:
1. Conduct research to identify changes in the landscape 1945 to present.
2. Conduct field work to inventory:
a. Character areas throughout the reserve.
b. Viewsheds in fee lands and scenic easements adjacent to fee lands.
c. Features within the 400 acres held in fee, including Farm 1, Farm 2, Ferry House, Pratt, and Prairie Wayside.
3. Prepare CLI report including narratives illustrated with photos and site plans.
4. Prepare Facility Management Software System (FMSS) data to maintain cultural landscape.
5. Complete data entry into FMSS and Cultural Resources Inventory System (CRIS).
6. Complete a half day seminar with the Ebey’s Landing Trust Board to teach the organization about the cultural landscape inventory process.
NPS and UO will collaborate on each task and both partners will be substantially involved in the historical research, site documentation, preparation of the narratives, and site plan creation tasks required to meet the project objectives. NPS will provide historical research, field documentation, and report writing assistance.