Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Sonoran Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Environmental DNA Analysis

Project ID: P22AC00993

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Washington State University

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $90,475

Total Funding: $311,501

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Biological

Principal Investigator: Goldberg, Caren

Agreement Technical Representative: Hubbard, Andy

Abstract: Through collaborative research, establish baseline information on the occurrence of sensitive aquatic species, a wide-ranging endangered terrestrial mammal, an invansive predator, and two aquatic diseases in 43 perennial springs across 9 national parks in American Southwest.

Project Objectives:
1. Collect 550 environmental DNA (eDNA) samples and companion water quantity/qality data from 43 perennial springs in the Spring and Fall of 2022 (NPS).
2) Extract eDNA fro mthe 550 filters (including field blanks) and compare against knowns assays (= unique DNA partters) for 7 aquatic organisms of conservation importance (WSU).
3. Extract and preserve an archival specimen for each filter for potential future analysis (WSU).
4. Analyze the derived species occurrence and environmental data in the context of ecological threats and park management actions and produce a final report (WSU and NPS).