Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development of a Cultural Landscape Report for the Tule Lake Segregation Center at Tule Lake National Monument

Project ID: P22AC01373

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $69,934

Total Funding: $69.934

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument

Principal Investigator: Melnick, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Germano, Vida

Abstract: This project will complete a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for the Tule Lake Segregation Center, a National Historic Landmark (NHL) that was documented through the Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI) in 2017. The property is located within the Tule Lake National Monument (park) and consists of fragile concrete foundations, buildings, roads, fences and viewsheds that contribute to the national significance of the site. The site is the only protected portion of the former WWII-era incarceration camp. The project will utilize data in the CLI as a basis for existing conditions and consist of developing an analysis of the changes to the landscape over time to prepare treatment recommendations to preserve and protect the site while allowing for increased visitation.