Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Modeling Brown Treesnake Management Strategies

Project ID: G23AC00446

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $62,498

Total Funding: $62,498

Principal Investigator: Converse, Sarah

Agreement Technical Representative: Yackel Adams, Amy

Abstract: The goal of this research is to work with the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Fort Collins Science Center (FORT) invasive reptile program to conduct a model-based evaluation of the feasibility of eradication and suppression of Brown treesnakes (BTS) within a fenced conservation area on Guam. 

Objectives include: 

  • Apply an existing framework for modeling brown treesnake responses to management strategies, which integrates both actions and learning, to evaluate the ability of different management strategies to affect eradication/suppression outcomes. 
  • Demonstrate the use of management strategy evaluation for invasive snake management. 
  • Compare model predictions to monitoring data collected in the Habitat Management Unit on Guam and update the model based on resulting insights.