Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Documenting the Cultural Landscapes of the Kiks.adi Survival March

Project ID: P22AC02085

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $110,247

Total Funding: $110,247

Project Type: Research

Principal Investigator: Deur, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: Perkins, Jessica

Abstract: Project Objectives – Investigators from PSU and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish the following specific objectives: 

1) Through a review of existing literature and collaborative data recovery with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, the recipient will produce a historic context statement consistent with NPS National Register Program guidance and suitable for nominating the Survival March route’s key landmarks to the National Register of Historic Places as a district or multiple property nomination. (See Attachment B: Phases 1 and 2) 

2) Pending additional funding, later phases will call upon Portland State University (PSU) to produce guidelines for culturally and historically appropriate management of sites determined to be National Register eligible, possibly including a formal “Historical Properties Management Plan” or other formal guidance for management. (See Attachment B: Phase 3) and, 

3) Pending satisfactory performance and additional funds, PSU may also collaborate with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska (STA), NPS, and other interested parties in developing expanded public education media for this historically significant landscape. (See Attachment B: Phase 4)