Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

April 23, 2024

Funding Opportunity: Network for Landscape Conservation 2024 Catalyst Fund

The Network for Landscape Conservation is currently accepting proposals for the 2024 funding round of the Catalyst Fund. Interested applicants should review the RFP and the Applicant Guidance Document to best understand how to submit a strong proposal. These FAQs may also be helpful in clarifying any questions.

The RFP had originally set a submission deadline of Friday, April 26th, but are pleased to announce that they have extended the deadline by one week and are now accepting proposals through Friday, May 3.

Read the Request for Proposals

The purpose of the Catalyst Fund is to accelerate the pace and practice of landscape conservation and stewardship across the United States. The Fund makes strategic investments in strengthening the collaborative capacity of place-based, community-grounded Landscape Partnerships.

Through generous support from the Doris Duke Foundation and the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Catalyst Fund will distribute approximately $335,000 this year through competitive grants to Landscape Partnerships that stand at pivotal points in their development. Funded Partnerships will also be invited to participate in a two-year peer learning program. 

A portion of the Catalyst Fund is dedicated to supporting Indigenous leadership in landscape conservation. They especially invite Partnerships that are led by Tribes and/or Indigenous peoples, organizations, and communities to apply. 

A link to the application portal can be found on the Catalyst Fund page of the Network’s website.