Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

March 22, 2017

DOD Request for Pre-proposals

Department of Defense
The Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment, Safety and Occupational Health has signed the Fiscal Year 2018 DoD Legacy Resource Management (Legacy) Program Request for Pre-Proposals. Pre-proposals are due Friday, April 21, 2017, on the DoD Legacy Tracker website (www
The DoD Legacy Program funds high priority conservation projects that foster mission sustainment while promoting the long-term stewardship of our nation’s natural and cultural heritage. The attached memo announces the request for pre-proposals and describes the Fiscal Year 2018 areas of emphasis (AOEs). The DoD Legacy Program will consider proposals that address at least one of the following AOEs:
– Mission Enhancement and Range Sustainment
– Planning to Address and Adapt to New and Emerging Threats
– Efficiencies in Cultural Resources Management
– Asset Resiliency through Historic Preservation
– Training and Communication
Pre-proposal guidelines and additional information about the Legacy Program are available at Please contact and with any questions. More information is available here.