Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 5, 2017

NPS Funding Opportunity: Ethnobotany & Traditional Knowledge Wind Cave Natl Park

National Park Service

Funding Opportunity Title: Ethnobotany and Traditional Ecological Knowledge for
Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota
Funding Opportunity Number: P17AS00218

Funding Opportunity Closes: 06/09/2017

Full Announcement is here.

The National Park Service (NPS), through the Midwest Regional Office (MWRO), is seeking proposals to document ethnobotany and traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) at Wind Cave National Park (WICA), South Dakota. The NPS is undertaking this project to establish a baseline of ethnobotany and ecological information that will be used in the protection and resource management of culturally significant plant species. In addition, the information will be used to help in the analysis of any environmental effects of plant gathering allowed under the federal regulation that allows members of federally recognized tribes to collect plants in NPS units for traditional purposes.1 The focus of this project is the inventory and documentation of plant species that members of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe use for traditional purposes and that grow within the boundaries of Wind Cave National Park.2 The inventory of species will be matched with the botanical inventory already maintained by the NPS. The resulting compiled inventory and documentation will be used to formulate an environmental analysis on the applicability and sustainability of gathering the species, and any inform management changes needed to ensure sustainable plant gathering at the park.