Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 7, 2018

New Partner: WAFWA

The PNW CESU is excited to welcome our new partner, The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.

The Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) represents 19 states, 3 Canadian provinces and 1 territory. WAFWA represents an area covering nearly 3.7 million square miles of some of North America’s wildest and most scenic areas, encompassing more than 40% of North America and two-thirds of the United States. Founded in 1922 WAFWA was founded to help state fish and game officials in the West who felt the need to join together to solve a series of game management questions they had in common. And as those needs have evolved and changed over the years, so has WAFWA grown, evolved, and changed to meet the needs of conservation and research. We support sound resource management and wildlife conservation and research of keystone species of the West through research and conservation of biodiversity from the deserts of the southwest to the alpine peaks of the north. In recent years, we have also aided other regional and national fish and wildlife associations in nationwide projects to accomplish larger wildlife management goals.

The Technical Representative for WAFWA is Deb VonDeBur.

Find out more about WAFWA and their staff at the PNW CESU’s WAFWA webpage.