Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 24, 2019

National Park Service: Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Internship Program

About the Geoscientists-in-the-Parks Internship Program
The Geoscientists-in-the Parks Internship Program (GIP), developed by the National Park Service (NPS)
Geologic Resources Division in 1996, provides university students and recent graduates 18 – 35 years old with on-the-ground, natural resource, science-based work experience with the NPS. Most GIP internships occur during the summer months, however many fall and winter positions are also available. This program is run in partnership with Stewards Individual Placement Program and The Geological Society of America.

Program Objectives
•Provide on-the-job natural resource science training for university students and recent graduates 18-35 years old
•Introduce students and recent graduates to science careers in the NPS
•Build natural resource science technical capacity for parks and central offices
•Enhance the public understanding of the natural resource sciences

Types of Projects
Natural resource research
Mapping (geology, plants, animals)
Assessing natural resource hazards
Preparing field guides and park resource overviews
Assisting in natural resource inventories
Leading interpretive talks or programs for park visitors

GIP participants have the opportunity to work at a national park and gain valuable work experience. Interns are paid a minimum of $3,600 stipend, travel allowance, provided housing (or a housing allowance) for the duration of the project, are eligible for an AmeriCorps education award, and may be eligible for a special federal hiring authority.

Students and recent graduates that are United States citizens or permanent legal residents with a background in natural resource sciences are eligible for the program.

Apply Now!
The majority of the positions for spring/summer are advertised in December to mid January, and fall/winter positions are advertised in May to mid June of each year at: Geoscientists-in-the-Parks
Internship Program

For more information visit or contact