Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

June 19, 2019

UPDATE: Dept of Navy RSOI Foxtrot Petroglyph Site



NOTE: Posting updated on 6/19/2019 with the amended scope of work and RFP/RSOI document that was revised in result to the RFIs:

Amendment 0001 RSOI_RFP N624731920012 Foxtrot Petroglyph Site Specialized Recordation at MCAGCC 29Palms California

Amendment 0001 Responses to Request For Information

Enclosure 1 Statement of Work Amendment 0001

Please note that the proposal due date has been moved from June 24, 2019 2:00 PM to June 26, 2019 2:00 PM.

The seven original enclosures are available at the end of this post.

Original RSOI:

RSOI_RFP N624731920012 Foxtrot Petroglyph Site Specialized Recordation at MCAGCC 29Palms California

Responses to this Request for Statements of Interest/Request for Proposals will be used to identify potential cooperators for a project to be funded by the Department of the Navy (DoN) to provide specialized recordation of the Foxtrot Petroglyph Site at the Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC), Twenty-Nine Palms, California in accordance with the Integrated Cultural Resources Management Plan.

The authority for this Cooperative Agreement is 10 USC §2684.

Approximately $92,397.89 to $103,264.33 is expected to be available to support this project for the base year.

Type of Assistance Instrument Anticipated: Cooperative Agreement
Authority: Cooperative Agreement under 10 USC §2684 (Cultural Resources Management).
Eligible Applicants: Any Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Californian, Colorado Plateau, Desert Southwest, Great Plains, Rocky Mountain and Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) partner who qualifies under DoDGARS Part 34 or 2 Code of Federal Regulations 200 is eligible to apply.
Cost Sharing: Not required

The Foxtrot Petroglyph Site, located within Marine Corps Air Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Twenty-Nine Palms, California is one of the largest and most significant rock art sites in the Mojave Desert. It is located in the Lava Lake Training Area and was listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1997. The site contains 490 panels along a two-mile stretch of cliff face and shows continual use for the last 1,500 years and into the nineteenth century. The petroglyphs were created by Native American peoples ancestral to Tribes including the Serrano, Chemehuevi, Cahuilla, and Mojave.

The site’s Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) 523 and 523G Forms have not been updated since its original recordation in 1979. Since then, new standards for recording archaeological sites and rock art sites have become modernized. New and innovative technologies are now used in rock art recordation. In accordance with 10 USC §2684 and implemented through MCAGCC’s Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan (ICRMP) and 2 Programmatic Agreement (PA), MCAGCC will update the recordation of the Foxtrot Petroglyph Site to current archaeological industry standards, not met by the 1979 recordation. Innovative technologies such as DStretch software allow photographs to be taken of the petroglyph panels with different light filters. This allows petroglyph elements not visible to the naked eye to become visible with the DStretch software. Glyphs never seen before may be discovered. A portable 3D scanner would provide a topography of the panels. This type of detailed recordation could be made available to those unable to make the trip out to the site in the form of a virtual tour, especially members of the Tribal community.

These innovative methods of recordation of this National Register of Historic Places-listed site are vital to preserving the data and the aesthetics of the site before they are lost to time, natural erosion, and further possible man made destruction such as graffiti or a misfired mortar during training operations. By utilizing the technology of today, technology that did not exist in 1979, a digital record of the site will survive, even after the face of the site has exfoliated or the spalling has destroyed the panels, the motifs, and the elements of the site.

The significance of the Foxtrot Petroglyph site can be further explored through studying the physical occurrence of variations in rock art styles specific to other known rock art sites aboard MCAGCC and in the wider region of the Mojave Desert and Lower Colorado River. These sites can be contextualized by examining variations between linguistic family branches and artistic styles. The archaeological sites associated with rock art provide the opportunity to investigate the association of rock art with the settlement and subsistence activities of the aboriginal California desert populations. The significance of the Foxtrot Petroglyph Site provides a unique opportunity to study the ethnographic ties of the Serrano, Mojave, Cahuilla, and Chemehuevi local cultures to the Foxtrot Petroglyph Site and the specific panels/elements at that site.

Brief Description of Anticipated Work:
This Cooperative Agreement is for providing technical cultural resources support in order to assist the Environmental Affairs Division at MCAGCC in maintaining their high level of compliant, expert environmental stewardship by performing specialized recordation of the Foxtrot Petroglyph Site. Specific tasks include:

Base Period
Inventory and photograph all petroglyph panels and elements

  • Inventory and photograph all pictographs
  • Photograph the entire site, i.e., the 2 km long cliff face
  • Record all Petroglyph panels and pictographs locations in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTMs) using a professional grade GPS unit in WGS84
  • Document the site on a current California site form (DPR 523) and document each panel or major element on a separate Rock Art Record (DPR 523G); to include documenting all attribute data (i.e., physical attributes including size, color, shape, etc., paraphernalia such as weaponry, and body adornments such as headdresses).
  • Utilize DStretch software (or similar software that meets or exceeds its capabilities) to analyze all photographs of the cliff face; of pictographs and petroglyphs to detect and define elements not readily visible to the naked eye
  • Utilize a portable terrestrial LiDAR (3D scanner) to digitally record the entire rock art site, including all major panel elements, and develop a 3D model of the archaeological site. Provide MCAGCC with the digital files.
  • Publish results of findings in publicly viewed journals as applicable.

Option Item One

  • Conduct a regional analysis of the petroglyphs, studying the physical occurrence of variations in rock art styles specific to other known rock art sites aboard MCAGCC and in the wider region of the Mojave Desert and Lower Colorado River
  • Contextualize these sites by examining variations between linguistic family branches and artistic styles to support or refute current theories of cultural migration, interaction, trade, and settlement.
  • Conduct an ethnohistoric review of the Serrano, Mojave, Cahuilla, and Chemehuevi local cultures to document their cultural beliefs and Traditional Uses (past and present) associated with rock art sites in the region, and the panel/elements specifically at the Foxtrot Petroglyph site
  • Produce a professional report that synthesizes all of the above listed information, includes a cultural context narrative of the Serrano, Mojave, Cahuilla, and Chemehuevi’s cosmological, spiritual, religious, and ritual beliefs

Option Item Two

  • Conduct a wider ethnohistoric study of the Cahuilla, Serrano, Mojave, and Chemehuevi Cultures to document Tribal perspectives on Traditional Cultural Properties, the human/Tribal Relationship with landscapes and natural resources, ethnobotanical studies of past and present natural resource utilization, and Tribal perspectives on future resource management.

Please see enclosure 1 for full scope of work and enclosure 2 for applicable terms and conditions.

Period of Performance. The period of performance covered by this agreement is 18 months upon award with up to two (2) 18-month Option Items. All Option Items may be unilaterally awarded anytime within the 18 months of the period of performance of the base scope of work, or anytime within the proceeding Option Item of the Cooperative Agreement. The period of performance of the base year and Option Items may overlap. If all Option Items are exercised during award of the base period the period of performance will be 36 months. The end date is the anticipated date that the Final Report is accepted by the Government. The parties may extend the term of this Agreement by written modification. The total duration of this agreement, including the Option Items and any time-extension modifications, shall not exceed 60 months. The Option Items are subject to the availability of funds.

Materials Requested for Statement of Interest/Qualifications:
Please provide the following via e-mail attachment to: Reagan Pablo (
1) SF 424 (Enclosure 3)
2) Research & Related Senior/Key Personnel Form (Enclosure 4). Please see Factor 1 for qualification requirements.
3) Research and Related Budget Form (Enclosure 5). Please see Factor 3 for additional submittal requirements.
4) SF-LLL Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (Enclosure 6). If applicable, complete SF- LLL. Applicability: If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to any person for influencing or attempting to influence an officer or employee of any agency, a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an employee of a Member of Congress in connection with the grant/cooperative agreement, you must complete and submit Standard Form – LLL, “Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying.”
5) Research & Related Senior/Key Personnel Form (Enclosure 7). The Federal Government has a continuing commitment to monitor the operation of its review and award processes to identify and address any inequities based on gender, race, ethnicity, or disability of its proposed PDs/PIs and co-PDs/PIs. To gather information needed for this important task, the applicant should submit the requested information for each identified PD/PI and co-PDs/PIs with each proposal. Submission of the requested information is voluntary and is not a precondition of award. However, information not submitted will seriously undermine the statistical validity, and therefore the usefulness, of information received from others. Any individual not wishing to submit some or all the information should check the box provided for this purpose. Upon receipt of the application, this form will be separated from the application. This form will not be duplicated, and it will not be a part of the review process. This data will be kept confidential.
Reimbursement of pre-award costs will not be allowed.
Please note, that some of the forms functionality may be lost when retrieved from a 3rd party website. Please visit
to retrieve the forms directly from the website and use these forms when submitting your statement of interest.

Review of Statements Received: Proposals will be evaluated based on the following three factors: 1) Credentials of Key Personnel, 2) Technical Approach and 3) Reasonableness of Cost. Factors 1, 2 and 3 are of equal importance.
NOTE: All requirements listed are minimum requirements. Offerors will be assessed on their ability to adhere to the listed requirements, completeness of responses, follow directions, comply with restrictions and provide quality control on their submittals. All page limits refer to 12 point font and single spaced pages. Submissions that exceed the page limitation specified within its corresponding factor may have additional pages removed from consideration.

Factor 1 – Credentials of Key Personnel:
Principal Investigator (PI)/Archaeologist/Specialist in Traditional Use Studies The Applicant shall provide one archaeologist/cultural resource traditional use studies specialist, capable and qualified to meet the requirements of the Scope of Work. This position shall be responsible for being the liaison between Recipient personnel and the Grants Officer, CAA and/or CATR and shall serve as the main point of contact for all required results and/or progress reports on the study. This person shall, at the minimum:
• Have one year working with archaeological resources in the southwest, preferably the Mojave Desert of California
• Meet the Secretary of the Interior’s Professional Qualification Standards in Prehistoric Archaeology (Secretary of the Interior, Federal Register, Vol. 48 No. 190, 44716-44742)
• Have demonstrated experience with Native American Traditional Use Studies focused on past and present cultural significance of Rock Art Sites; Traditional Cultural Property Studies, and Ethnohistory. Proposals using personnel with greater experience in these fields may receive higher ratings
• Have proficiency in Microsoft Office word processing, Excel spreadsheets, presentation software and ability to communicate in English, both orally and in writing.
Archaeologist Researcher. The Applicant shall provide one or more archaeologists with demonstrated experience recording and analyzing rock art sites. This person shall, at the minimum:
• Have a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology or closely related field.
• Have proficiency in Microsoft Office word processing, Excel spreadsheets, presentation software and ability to communicate in English, both orally and in writing.

The Applicant shall provide type-written resumes, not to exceed 10 pages, single spaced with 12pt font.

Factor -2 Technical Approach – The Cooperator shall provide up to a 5-page proposal describing their proposed technical approach to the project and any research using archaeological sites, especially those with petroglyphs, to better understand the ethnohistoric and Native American populations in the region. Higher ratings may be given to proposals that demonstrate focus and state a clear hypothesis.

Factor 3 – Reasonableness of Cost –
After technical evaluation of the proposal, the offers will be analyzed for fair and reasonable pricing. The proposal will be analyzed to determine whether its pricing is materially/mathematically balanced, and is fair and reasonable. The Offeror shall use OMB Circular A-21 “Cost Principles for Institutions of Higher Education,”, 48 CFR part 31 “Contract Cost Principles and Procedures,” or 2 CFR 200 Subpart F “Audit Requirements” as applicable. Evaluations will include an analysis to determine the Offeror’s comprehension of the requirements of the solicitation as well as to assess the validity of the Offeror’s approach. A clear cost breakdown of work elements to be accomplished detailing quantities for the various work items, unit, unit prices and extended prices will be required and will be evaluated. Evaluation will include an analysis to determine the Offeror’s comprehension of the requirements of the proposed agreement as well as to assess the validity of the Offeror’s approach. Please be sure to provide a proposal for the option items as listed within the statement of work. Please submit a proposed budget each of the option items on separate research and related budget forms.
Please provide your proposed budget on the provided pdf titled, “Research and Related Budget” form (Enclosure 5).

Complete the Research and Related Budget form in accordance with the instructions on the form. You must provide a detailed cost breakdown of all costs, by cost category, by the funding periods described below, and by task/sub-task corresponding to the task number in the proposed Statement of Work. You may request funds under any of the categories listed as long as the item and amount are necessary to perform the proposed work and meet all the criteria for allowability under the applicable Federal cost principles. Please provide a separate budget form for each period of performance. The budget should adhere to the following guidelines:
The budget should be driven by program requirements. Elements of the budget shall include:

  • Direct Labor – Individual labor category or person, with associated labor hours and unburdened direct labor rates.
  • Indirect Costs – Fringe benefits, overhead, G&A, COM, etc. (must show base amount and rate). Justify in Field K.
  • Travel – Number of trips, destination, duration, etc. Justify in Field K (on the form).
  • Subcontract – A cost proposal as detailed as the applicant’s cost proposal will be required to be submitted by the subcontractor. If applicable, include in Research & Related Subaward Budget Attachment Form.
  • Consultant – Provide consultant agreement or other document that verifies the proposed loaded daily/hourly rate. Include a description of the nature of and the need for any consultant’s participation. Strong justification must be provided, and consultants are to be used only under exceptional circumstances where no equivalent expertise can be found at a participating university. Provide budget justification in Field K.
  • Materials – Specifically itemized with costs or estimated costs. An explanation of any estimating factors, including their derivation and application, shall be provided. Include a brief description of the applicant’s procurement method to be used (competition, engineering estimate, market survey, etc.). Justify in Field K.Other Directs Costs – Clarify any proposed items of equipment or facilities. Equipment and facilities generally must be furnished by the cooperator/recipient (justifications must be provided when Government funding for such items is sought). Include a brief description of the applicant’s procurement method to be used (competition, engineering estimate, market survey, etc.). Justify in Field K.
  • Budget Justification (Field K on the form): Provide the required supporting information for the cost elements as shown above (see Research & Related Budget instructions) and listed as follows: indirect cost, travel, consultant, materials, and other direct costs. Provide any other information you wish to submit to justify your budget request.

NOTE: Every deviation from the scope of work requirement must be identified. Proposer must identify the paragraph in the scope of work that is applicable and provide sufficient information to justify why the deviation is in the best interest of the government.

Timeline for Review of Statements of Interest:
We request that Statements of Interest be submitted by June 24, 2019 2:00 PM local standard time. This Request for Statements of Interest will remain open until an investigator team is selected. Statements of Interest received after June 24, 2019 2:00 PM local standard time is considered “late” and may not be considered. Please submit requests for information/questions no later than June 17, 2019 2:00 Pacific standard time.

Please send responses or direct questions to:
Mr. Reagan Pablo
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest
1220 Pacific Hwy, Bldg 1
San Diego, CA 92132
Phone: 619-532-2090


Enclosure 1 Statement of Work

Enclosure 2 Terms and Conditions

Enclosure 3 SF 424

Enclosure 4 Research and Related Key Personnel Form

Enclosure 5 Research & Related Budget

Enclosure 6 Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (SF-LLL)

Enclosure 7 Research & Related Personal Data

Posted 6/10/2019

Posting edited on 6/19/19 to add Amendment 0001