Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

April 13, 2021

PNW CESU welcomes new member: MarEcoTel

The Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (PNW CESU) is pleased to announce our newest member, The Foundation for Marine Ecology and Telemetry Research (MarEcoTel). Gregory S. Schorr, president of the non-profit, will serve as Technical Representative for the PNW CESU. MarEcoTel has been added under our new PNW CESU master agreement via Amendment 1.

You can learn more about them on our webpage here:

MarEcoTel’s mission is to support the conservation of marine species and populations by conducting scientific research into their biology, behavior, and physiology, with data outputs designed for use by managers and stakeholders. We also promote the development, improvement, and use of technologies that support our research. MarEcoTel’s overarching goal is to improve public knowledge and awareness of these species and the ways that human activities affect them.

Learn more about the expertise of MarEcoTel’s staff here:

And some examples of MarEcoTel’s projects: