Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Past Funding Opportunities

May 16, 2022

National Park Service Science Communication Internship

The PWR I&M networks are advertising a science communication internship through the Scientists-in-Parks program. This is a one-year internship, starting January 30, 2023, that would provide support for technical report editing, summary  research briefs, web articles, and graphics development. The position will be hosted by the Klamath Network but would support some of the communication needs…

May 13, 2022

CESU Network National Awards Call for Nominations

The CESU Network National Awards recognize efforts of individuals, groups, institutions, or projects that have contributed substantially to the development, implementation, or accomplishments of the CESU Network. Awards highlight the collaborative structure of CESUs and reflect the achievement of federal and nonfederal partners working together. Awards will be announced and presented at the 2022 CESU…

May 12, 2022

National Park Service Funding Opportunity: Historic Resource Study Addendum for First State National Historical Park

Request for Letters of Research Interest (LOI) For the preparation of an addendum to the First State National Historical Park (FRST) Historic Resource Study Project Title: Historic Resource Study addendum on African American History at FRST Introduction: The National Park Service (NPS), through the Interior Region 1, North Atlantic-Appalachian History and Preservation Assistance Office,…

May 6, 2022

National Park Service Request for LOI: Experience of People of African Descent During the American Revolution Historic Resource Study

Request for Letters of Research Interest (LOI) The National Park Service (NPS), through the Interior Region 1 (IR-1), North Atlantic-Appalachian History and Preservation Assistance Office, requires the performance of research and writing of a Historic Resource Study (HRS) about the experience of people of African descent during the American Revolution out the IR-1. We intend…

National Park Service Scientists in Parks Program now accepting applications

The Scientists in Parks Program is now accepting applications for the Winter 22/23 Season. There are over 100 exciting internship opportunities in national parks across the country. These paid internships contribute to natural resource management needs at parks with projects related to biological sciences, physical sciences, social sciences, and science communications/education. Please help us spread the word and share these SIP positions with interested candidates. A list of positions and how to apply can…

April 22, 2022

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Funding Opportunity: Installations of the Future

Request for Statements of Interest U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Funding Opportunity No: W81EWF-22–SOI-0014 Program Title: Installations of the Future (Proof of Concept for Smart Sensors to Reduce Solid Waste)Announcement Type: Initial announcementIssue Date: 14 April 2022Statement of Interest/Qualifications Due Date: 16 May 2022 @ 1300 central timeFull Application Package Due Date, if Invited: 13…

April 13, 2022

National Park Service Funding Opportunity: Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument Visitor Use Study

REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF INTEREST FOR PROJECT TO BE INITIATED THROUGH THECOOPERATIVE ECOSYSTEM STUDIES UNITS (CESU) NETWORK PROJECT TITLE: Birmingham Civil Rights National Monument Visitor Use Study Response to this Request for Statements of Interest will be used to identify potential partners for a research project funded by the National Park Service (NPS). This project…

March 25, 2022

National Park Service Funding Opportunity: Haleakala museum archives

Haleakala Museum Archives P22AS00259 Estimated Total Funding: $82,000 Due date: April 15 Funding Instrument Type: CA – Cooperative Agreement Management of park museum collections is required on behalf of National Park Service(NPS) and Department of the Interior (DOI) laws and regulations. To preserve cultural andnatural resources in perpetuity, archival records need to be readily accessible…

March 17, 2022

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers funding opportunity: Willamette Valley Prairie Pollinator Studies

Willamette Valley Prairie Pollinator Studies Funding Opportunity Announcement No. W81EWF-22-SOI-0012 Statement of Interest/Qualifications Due Date: 18 April 2022, 4:00 PM, CDTFull Application Package Due Date, if Invited: 18 May 2022, 4:00 PM, CDT.Estimated Award Ceiling: Initial funding of up to $95,000 dollars is expected.Estimated Total Program Funding (optional): $475,000 over base and 4 option years…

March 11, 2022

Bureau of Land Management OR/WA Plant Conservation and Restoration Management

Search L22AS00201 on Home | GRANTS.GOV Since the Plant Conservation and Restoration Management Program (PCRP) was established in 2001, the Program has dramatically improved the availability and use of locally adapted, genetically appropriate native seed for restoration. The PCRP-led Seeds of Success project has made more than 26,000 native seed collections across 43 states and…

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