Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

February 13, 2017

DOD USACE Funding Opportunities

US Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District, Program Title: Legacy Resource Mgmt Program


$92,500, Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 13, 2017

The 611th Civil Engineer Squadron (CES) is the real property owner of an Air Force Station on the island Kauai. The 611th CES is also responsible for the terms and conditions called out in the 29 July 2011 U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Formal Section 7 Consultation for the Continuing Operation of the Kokee Air Force Station (AFS) on Kauai. This project will support the 611th CES and its tenants at Kokee AFS complete requirements depicted within Biological Opinions issued by the USFWS, specifically avian monitoring and predator control. More information is available here.


$ 181,190, Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 06, 2017

The U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Wainwright, Alaska (USAG FWA) owns and manages
approximately 1.6 million acres in Interior Alaska. The USAG FWA is requesting
assistance to facilitate a climate change baseline analysis with requirements to
analyze climate change effects and management strategies for Fort Wainwright and
its Training Lands. This Scope of Work (SOW) describes objectives necessary to
ensure climate change analyses are accomplished for inclusion into installation
conservation and compliance program objectives IAW 32 CFR 651 Environmental
Analysis of Army Actions; and Council on Environmental Quality Memorandum
Final Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies on Consideration of
Greenhouse Gas Emissions and the Effects of Climate Change.


$101,421, Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 06, 2017

The objectives of the work to be performed under this delivery order are to
conduct natural resource tasks on the federal lands belonging to Vandenberg AFB, and to
prepare reports detailing the results of this work for submission to the USACE Omaha District
POC, AFCEC Edwards Installation Support Team (IST) POC, and Vandenberg Natural
Resource Manager. Achieve successful collaborative and cooperative relationships with Vandenberg Air Force Base (VAFB) and Edwards Installation Support Team (IST) POCs in order to best achieve goals and
objectives outlined for each project and those outlined in Vandenberg and Pillar Point Integrated
Natural Resource Management Plans (INRMPs). More information is available here.


$2,091,942, Current Closing Date for Applications: Mar 06, 2017

The objectives of the work to be performed under this task order are to conduct natural resource tasks on the federal lands belonging to Nellis AFB, and to prepare reports detailing the results of this work for submission to the USACE Omaha District POC, AFCEC Nellis Installation Support Team (IST) POC, and Nellis AFB Natural Resource POC. More information is available here.

NWO-FY17-SIKESACT-LRAM-ITAM-SRP  Omaha District FY17 Sikes Act Cooperative Agreement(s)
$45,000,000 Current Closing Date for Applications:  Mar 13, 2017

The DoD manages military installations and DoD public lands and must manage those lands in accordance with all environmental laws, including the Sikes Act, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), Endangered Species Act (ESA), Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA), Clean Water Act (CWA), and Clean Air Act (CAA). Compliance with these laws requires accurate, current data on the status of environmental resources on military installation and the application of the data in management decisions. Collecting, analyzing, and applying this data also supports the objectives of the Legacy Resource Management Program. The applicant must be able to work with the Corps to determine common management goals in support of this program. More information is available here.