Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

November 12, 2021

DOD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) FY23 Notice of Funding Opportunity

SERDP FY23 Funding Announcement (PDF)

Funding Opportunity Number: W912HQ22S0001

Deadline for SERDP Core Solicitation Pre-Proposals – 06 January 2022 @ 2:00 PM EST

Deadline for SERDP Core Solicitation Full Proposals – 03 March 2022 @ 2:00 PM EST

The Department of Defense’s (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is seeking to fund environmental research and development proposals. SERDP is DoD’s environmental science and technology program, planned and executed in partnership with the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, with participation by numerous other Federal and non-Federal organizations. The Program invests across the broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as advanced development.

Proposals responding to focused Statements of Need (SONs) in the following areas are requested:

  • Environmental Restoration — Research and technologies for the characterization, risk assessment, remediation, and management of contaminants in soil, sediments, and water.
  • Munitions Response — Technologies for the detection, classification, and remediation of military munitions on U.S. lands and waters.
  • Resource Conservation and Resiliency — Supports the development of the science, technologies, and methods needed to manage DoD’s installation infrastructure in a sustainable way.
  • Weapons Systems and Platforms — Research and technologies to reduce, control, and understand the sources of waste and emissions in the manufacturing, maintenance, and use of weapons systems and platforms.

SERDP also will be funding environmental research and development through the SERDP Exploratory Development (SEED) Solicitation. The SEED Solicitation is designed to provide a limited amount of funding (not to exceed $250,000) for projects up to approximately one year in duration to investigate innovative approaches that entail high technical risk or require supporting data to provide proof of concept. This year, SERDP is requesting SEED proposals for the Munitions Response program area. The SONs and detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website.

Deadline for SEED Solicitation Proposals – 10 March 2022 @ 2:00 PM EST

Additional details are available at the SERDP website (at this link)