Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

January 17, 2024

Cultural Landscape Report for Rattlesnake Springs at Carlsbad Caverns NP

Project ID: P23AC01244 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $64,000 Total Funding: $64,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will complete a Cultural Landscape Report (CLR) for the Rattlesnake Springs, a cultural landscape that was documented through the Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI) in 2023. The property is located within the Carlsbad Caverns National Park (park) and consists of roads, water courses,…

January 15, 2024

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

Project ID: P23AC01214 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $280,743 Total Funding: $280,743 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The goal of this project is to improve the understanding of climate change impacts on visitor experience and visitor behavior in national park units. The incorporation of climate change considerations into Visitor Use Management planning will better prepare the National Park Service (NPS) to…

Remote Sensing Assessments of Social Trails Fragmenting Subalpine Paradise Meadows

Project ID: P23AC01208 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $29,169 Total Funding: $29,169 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: This project will test the accuracy of spatially explicit models of recreational impacts and compare methods for classifying human-caused disturbance from high resolution, multispectral imagery and lidar data. The work will focus on evaluating best analysis methods and updating the recreational impact inventory in…

Digital Asset Management and Community Engagement to Enhance Understanding of Park Resources

Project ID: P23AC01206 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $ 110,240 Total Funding: $110,240 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The goal of this project is to enhance the park’s knowledge and ability to share diverse stories of the Manhattan Project through community engagement, integrating information to learn from connected communities and archival resources into digital resources, and enhancing the park’s ability…

Public Archaeology Field School and Artifact Analysis

Project ID: P23AC01181 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $93,043 Total Funding: $93,043 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The primary goal of this project is to conduct a Public Archaeology Field School and complete analysis of resulting artifacts and data. The field school will provide an opportunity for students to learn archaeological field methods – including survey, testing, data recovery excavation, and…

Developing educational pollinator garden for Tucson Mountain District Visitor Center

Project ID: P23AC00560 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $4,495 Total Funding: $4,495 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The goal of this project is to train and engage volunteers and staff in designing and installing a pollinator garden which will enhance interpretive experiences along an ADA accessible pathway near the Red Hills Visitor Center in the Tucson Mountain District of Saguaro National…

Technical Assistance, Education, and Research Partnership between the Klamath Network and Southern Oregon University

Project ID: P23AC02212 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $78,358 Total Funding: $78, 358 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Since 2003, NPS and Southern Oregon University (SOU or Recipient) have partnered to monitor the health and condition of natural resources in parks of the Klamath Network (KLMN); mutually benefit from the shared expertise among staff of both institutions; and provide students with…

Support for Marine Mammal Surveys in Gulf of Alaska

Project ID: N62473-23-2-0006 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $121,412 Total Funding: $121,412 [project-data-part-2] Abstract:

July 15, 2023

OR/WA Western Lily Studies, Coos Bay

Project ID: L20AC00025 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $18,000 Total Funding: $36,430 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Monitoring and augmentation of a reintroduced and natural population of the federally endangered western lily, the only populations on federal lands. This project would utilize science to identify best practices to manage land and water resources and adapt to changes in the environment. In…

Visual and Acoustic Surveys for Cetaceans in Behm Canal and Southern Clarence Strait

Project ID: N62473-22-2-0006 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $55,151 Total Funding: $137,947 [project-data-part-2] Abstract:

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