Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

August 30, 2021

South Fork Boise River Sediment Study

Project ID: R14AC00011 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $17,132 Total Funding: $17,132 [project-data-part-2]

2014-2019 Lapwai Basin Steelhead Density Monitoring

Project ID: R14AC00042 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $34,728 Total Funding: $175,992 [project-data-part-2]

Building an Integrated Data Harvester and Analysis Software for the Methow Basin with Future Linkages to Columbia River Basin Data Management Project

Project ID: R15AC00005 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $118,340 Total Funding: $118,340 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: Through use of financial assistance, a mechanism-based model of aquatic productivity to structure data will be created and used to improve data access directly related to stream productivity to maximize survival and fitness for Endangered Species Act- listed species located in the Columbia…

Hydrodynamic and Water Quality Modeling of Lake Roosevelt

Project ID: R15AC00029 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $49,590 Total Funding: $49,590 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The purpose of this project is to update the aforementioned Lake Roosevelt CE-QUAL-W2 model to also simulate TDG. This data may then be used as input to downstream Columbia River System water quality models. This capability is to assist in real-time decision making,…

Recalibration of Columbia Basic VIC Model

Project ID: R17AC00024 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $18,097 Total Funding: $18,097 [project-data-part-2]

McCarthy Bear Project

Project ID: UI-01-1 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $45,000 Total Funding: $62,160 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: 1)To gain an understanding of the type of bear/human conflicts that currently exist or may develop in the study area as a consequence of increased visitor use, home-site development, and facility development; 2)To document the general biological and behavioral characteristics of both the…

Reservoir Drawdown Study

Project ID: UI-01-2 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $15,000 Total Funding: $30,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: To complete a hydrologic study that quantifies groundwater conditions in response to reservoir drawdown cycles and relate it to natural resource impacts from landslides. Idaho Water Resources Research Institute (IWRRI) at the University of Idaho will provide for the engagement of research, education…

Visitor Use Survey at the Hanford Reach National Monument/Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge

Project ID: USFWS01 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $21,000 Total Funding: $21,000 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: The project involves a visitor use survey at the Hanford Reach National Monument/Saddle Mountain National Wildlife Refuge. A graduate student will investigate current levels and types of recreation use, time and duration of use, ingress/egress points, frequency of visits, levels of satisfaction, and…

Las Flores Ranch House Window and Door Restoration Program

Project ID: UVM-02-50 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $77,666 Total Funding: $109,500 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: A program of research, training and implementation of the restoration of windows and doors at the Las Flores Adobe Ranch House. Deliverables: Las Flores Adobe National Historic Landmark Carriage House Stabilization Program 2003-2004 (Final Report)

Develop Models of Visitor Use and Associated Impacts for the Paradise Developed Area and Adjacent Wilderness Zones in Mount Rainier National Park

Project ID: UW-01-01 [project-data-part-1] Initial Funding: $46,000 Total Funding: $85,970 [project-data-part-2] Abstract: To develop specified models describing the relationships between visitor use and specific indicators of social and biological resource quality in the Paradise area. These models will contribute to the success of the Mount Rainier general management planning process by: a) integrating existing biological…

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