Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
Organization Documents
- PANO_2020-2025_Agreement
- PANO CESU 2020-2025 Amend1_MarEcoTel
- PANO CESU 2020-2024 Amend2 Xerces Society
- PNW FY23 Annual Work Plan
- PNW & GB Joint Annual Meeting Jan2022
- PNWCESU_FY20_FundedProjectsByAgency
- PNWCESU_FY20_FundedProjectsByPartner
- PNW CESU FY2020_Annual_Work_Plan
- FY19 PNW CESU Funded Projects
- PNWCESU_2018_Annual_Work_Plan
- PNW CESU Strategic Plan (Dec 2019)
- Indirect Cost Rate Exemption_DOI_Memo (2015)
- Climate Science Conference Poster (2014)
- MemoCESUProjectCriteria
- Brochure (2008)
- Addition of New Members to the PNW CESU
- Indirect Cost Rate Increase Memo (2003)
- Organizing Structure and Principles
- Proposal for PNW CESU (2000)