Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)
The PNW CESU operates independently and in association with the CESU National Network. The partnership is directed by specific goals and objectives.
The University of Washington’s School of Environmental and Forest Sciences (SEFS) serves as host to the PNW CESU, with SEFS Director Dan Brown and National Park Service’s Alison Ainsworth serving as Co-Leaders, and Kylie Baker as the Science Communication Specialist. Please find below our more recent documents or view by category on the sidebar.
Recent Documents
- PANO_2020-2025_Agreement
- PANO CESU 2020-2025 Amend1_MarEcoTel
- PANO CESU 2020-2024 Amend2 Xerces Society
- PNW & GB Joint Annual Meeting Jan2022
- PNWCESU_FY20_FundedProjectsByAgency
- PNWCESU_FY20_FundedProjectsByPartner
- PNW CESU FY2020_Annual_Work_Plan
- PNW CESU Strategic Plan (Dec 2019)
- DOI Indirect Cost Rate Exemption Memo (2014)
- MemoCESUProjectCriteria