Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

December 8, 2021

National Park Service Mosaics in Science Internship Opportunity

Mosaics In Science | Biology Assistant – DHA ­ ­

The Mosaics in Science Internship Program seeks to engage ethnically and racially diverse young professionals in natural resource careers.

Must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident.

**All Mosaics in Science interns are required to show proof of COVID-19 vaccination**

Stipend: $640/week + housing

Start Date: 05/23/2022

End Date: 08/15/2022

Project Description:

With the dramatic changes happening all around us and growing awareness of the climate crisis unfolding, it is important that park visitors connect with nature and also understand how certain aspects of the environment are changing. Vegetation systems such as alpine and subalpine meadows, mature and old-growth coastal and montane forests, and remnant prairies of the Puget Trough are foundational resources within the parks of the North Coast and Cascades Inventory and Monitoring Network (NCCN) and are among the primary features that many visitors seek to experience when planning a trip to the parks of the Pacific Northwest. These long-stable ecosystems are on the verge of significant changes that we seek to better understand through scientific inventory and monitoring efforts. The vegetation monitoring programs of NCCN track treasured resources to the public: the large towering trees of old-growth forests, the diminutive heather above treeline, and the gnarled whitebark pines. Yet these programs are still in the early stages of long-term monitoring, with many protocols just being established or entering the first round of repeat monitoring, and changes may become evident to naturalists and field technicians in the field long before this work is analyzed and available to park staff and the public.

This position will bridge the gap between basic science and public information by developing science communication visualizations that highlight the field work, monitoring results, and observations of vegetation change occurring within NCCN parks. The Scientist in Park (SIP) will participate as a technician in several vegetation monitoring protocols, observing and taking part in research and monitoring with NPS mentors and other field staff. The SIP will then draw from that field experience to develop brief science communication snapshots that share an important trend, communicate an exciting observation, or illustrate a new phenomenon to park staff and the public. These science communication snapshots can take many forms, for example, working with supervisors and other park specialists to develop a flat or interactive map using spatial analysis software; finding the right photograph or series of images that demonstrates a shift in vegetation communities; and working with mentors to tackle high impact data visualizations. The SIP will be vital member of the field research team during the height of field activity, and will connect with park interpretation and education specialists to communicate their critical work to colleagues and the public, bridging the gap between the work in the field and the importance to the park and each member of the community.


The intern should be interested in developing botanical and field science skills and spending a significant amount of time in the field with technical specialists, learning new protocols and collecting detailed data. They should have a background or strong demonstrated interest in forestry, ecology, botany, or related fields and an interest in communicating science and developing creative ways to share research work with their community.

To learn more about this position, please click here.