Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

March 16, 2021

National Park Service RSOI: Historic Context Study

National Park Service Request for Statements of Interest for a CESU: Historic Context Study on Violence Against People of African Descent, 1500-2020

Detailed Budget Justification Worksheet FY2016

RSOI Historic Context Study_March 2021

Budget Details As Required by NPS FINAL 05-30-2014

Responses to this Request for Statement of Interest will be used to identify potential investigators for a project to be funded by the National Park Service (NPS) and coordinated by the NPS regional office for DOI Regions 3, 4, and 5, located in Omaha, Nebraska. The project involves the development of a historic context study that documents violence carried out against persons of African descent within the United States and its territories for the time period 1500 to 2020.

The historic context shall explore significant trends, episodes, events, and places in a well-researched, well-documented, broad investigation of racially focused violence that has occurred within the nation’s history and responses to that violence.

NPS intends to use fiscal year 2021 funds for this project, possibly up to $180,000.  A detailed study proposal and cost estimate is requested at this time.  Project award will be subject to the availability of funds.

The Review of Statements of Interest will begin after this RSOI has been posted for 30 days, therefore on April 16, 2021.  Please see the PDF announcement for submission details.