Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

April 28, 2021

National Park Service – Tomales Bay grant competitions

2021 Marine and Estuarine Grant Opportunities at Point Reyes National Seashore and Tomales Bay

Point Reyes – Tomales Bay Marine & Estuarine Research Grants Announcement 2021

Applications due June 1, 2021

(Application instructions and guidance provided in full announcement link above)

Each year, approximately 100 independent research projects are conducted within the boundaries of Point Reyes National Seashore and Tomales Bay. While these areas provide a natural laboratory for ecological and other scientific research, many of these projects also provide key information for the conservation and informed management of natural and cultural resources. We are pleased to offer two grant competitions this year to encourage partnerships with the research community, and support National Park Service (NPS) and Tomales Bay Watershed Council (TBWC) information needs:

1. The Neubacher Fund for Marine Science at Point Reyes National Seashore (PRNS) accepts requests of up to $3,000 for marine research conducted in the immediate vicinity of PRNS and Tomales Bay (Between Bolinas and Tomales Point and up to 5 km from shore). Studies that strive to understand long-term changes and patterns in marine and estuarine ecosystems are encouraged. We anticipate awarding two grants in 2021.

2. The Tomales Bay Watershed Council Science Fund will provide up to $3,000 for a proposal that addresses or advances one of the Watershed Council’s top 4 science priorities which are (1) Understanding human use patterns in Tomales Bay, (2) Sea level rise mitigation, planning and management, (3) Understanding coho salmon habitat use in Tomales Bay, and (4) Long-term monitoring of eelgrass habitats. We will award 1-2 grants in 2021.

Proposals will be rated on the following factors:
• The proposal is sound and feasible in terms of time frame, access to National Park or natural area resources, and personnel.
• The proposal advances scientific knowledge of the region. TBWC proposals should address one of the 4 priority research areas listed above.
• The project deliverables are clearly articulated and appropriate in scope.
• The applicant is well qualified to undertake the proposed research. Graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty, and other professional scientists are eligible to apply.
• The proposal is clearly written and complete.
• The budget appropriately maps onto project objectives and tasks.
• The proposed research addresses conservation or management needs.
• Educational opportunities for students and the public.
• Researcher will present findings at an appropriate local meeting or conference.

Prior to submitting a proposal, researchers should inquire with about research needs, logistics, permitting, and subject matter contacts within NPS or the Tomales Bay Watershed Council. There is reasonable overlap in subject area for both grants, therefore you may use a single proposal to apply to more than one grant source. We do not anticipate awarding more than one grant to a single project, unless the project is unusually compelling and comprehensive.