Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

April 25, 2018

NPS Funding Opportunity: Future Park Leaders Internship

Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change Internship Program

The CCRP issued a Notice of Funding Opportunity on Friday to canvas for a new partner to implement the 2019 Future Park Leaders of Emerging Change (FPL) Internship Program. The FPL supports paid internships to highly accomplished undergraduate and graduate students and recent graduates to work in national parks on high priority needs related to novel, rapid, and/or large landscape change. Program requirements and instructions to apply can be found by selecting Package -> Preview -> Download Instructions.

The deadline is June 22, 2018. Please direct questions to Steve Livingston by May 18.

Melanie A. Wood
Project Manager
Climate Change Response Program
National Park Service
1201 Oakridge Dr., Suite 200
Fort Collins, CO 80525
970-267-2198 office | 970-420-7206 mobile | 970-225-3585 fax