Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

May 1, 2024

NPS Funding Opportunity: Special History Study – The Sandburgs’ Views and Roles Related to African Americans and Civil Rights

Please find attached a Request for Statements of Interest (RSOI) from the South Florida Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU).

Project Title: Special History Study – The Sandburgs’ Views and Roles Related to African Americans and Civil Rights.

Funding Agency:  National Park Service.

Funding Available: The project will be funded up to $122,610.

Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024 by 5:00pm ET.

Applicant Eligibility: Open to any non-federal member of the CESU National Network.

Questions: Please contact William M. Hunter, Regional Historian, Interior Region 2 (Legacy Southeast Region),, (404) 450-5322.

Reponses: Email to Carol Daniels, by May 15th.