A Science Review of the Fire Regime Condition Class Concept, Methods and Applications
Project ID: J9W88040012
Federal Agency: National Park Service
Partner Institution: University of Idaho
Fiscal Year: 2004
Initial Funding: $51,069
Total Funding: $51,069
Project Type: Technical Assistance
Project Disciplines: Biological
National Park: National Projects
Principal Investigator: Morgan, Penny
Agreement Technical Representative: Schon, Kathy
Abstract: The objective of this project is to develop a science-based, credible review of the concept, methods and applications of fire regimes and conditions classes (FRCC). Eleven scientists from across the country, representing different disciplines and organizations, will critique and provide recommendations for improvement. They will seek input from more than 30 different people from a diversity of federal agencies and nongovernmental organizations, then hold a workshop and draft a manuscript which will be submitted to a refereed journal for publication.