Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

CE-QUAL-W2-Modeling: Illinois River

Project ID: G23AC00074 / G23AC00074-00

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $33,800

Total Funding: $33,800

Project Type: Research

Principal Investigator: Wells, Scott

Agreement Technical Representative: Rydlund, Paul

Abstract: The goal of this research project is the development of a water quality and hydrodynamic model for a 16-mile stretch of the Illinois River. This model, CE-QUAL-W2 (Wells, 2022) is a 2-dimensional model of both hydrodynamics and water quality. 

The objective of this cooperative agreement is to work with the USGS and provide guidance in the model development including the growth and movement of cyanobacteria and their subsequent release of toxins.