Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Development of a Cultural Landscape Report for the High Bridge Ranger Station Historic District at North Cascades National Park

Project ID: P22AC01532

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Oregon

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $39,999

Total Funding: $39,999

Project Type: Research

Project Disciplines: Cultural

National Park: North Cascades National Park

Principal Investigator: Melnick, Robert

Agreement Technical Representative: Germano, Vida

Abstract: This project will contribute to greater public understanding of the cultural significance of the High Bridge Ranger Station by producing a detailed site analysis, documentation, and design proposals that include preservation strategies of these cultural resources. The designs included in this report will directly affect the way the hiking public experiences this portion of the Pacific Crest Trail. The final Cultural Landscape Report will be publicly available on the NPS Integrated Resource Management Applications website.

Project Objectives – Investigators from UO and NPS staff will collaborate To accomplish the following objectives:
1. Using the Cultural Landscape Inventory (CLI) identify landscape and environmental changes over time for the High Bridge Ranger Station Historic District. Summarize these changes in an illustrated narrative history, a period plan, and an existing condition plan.
2. Through fieldwork, document existing conditions and identify any changes from the conditions identified in the CLI and the end of the period of significance of 1945.
Develop design proposals for preservation and rehabilitation strategies for the High Bridge that are conveyed through narrative and conceptual illustrations.
4. Synthesize these tasks by developing a CLR that meet NPS Cultural Landscape Report standards as outlined in: A Guide to Cultural Landscape Reports: Contents, Process, and Techniques. NPS and UO will collaborate on each task and both partners will be substantially involved in the historical research, narratives, and design proposals work. NPS will provide research, field documentation, and report writing assistance.