Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Northwestern Pond Turtle Study, Willamette Valley, Oregon

Project ID: W912HZ-21-2-0016

Federal Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2021

Initial Funding: $59,999

Total Funding: $59,999


Here we propose to organize, compile, analyze, and summarize the existing USACE data on turtles in the Willamette Valley Project. We will assess material and then prioritize data sets for compilation to a master database(s). These steps will facilitate assessment of population trends across time and space as well as a preliminary evaluation of potential threats, particularly in response to management of land and water resources. Because the existing electronic data is in Microsoft Excel format, we plan to continue to use the same software for the master database to facilitate future data collection/entry by USACE. If needed, we may consult with USACE on the use of an alternative database software such as Microsoft Access to house and query hierarchical data. We will use ArcGIS to store, analyze, and display the spatial data, which can also be exported and viewed in Google Earth. We will script data analyses in Program R to document each data analysis step and facilitate repeatability. In collaboration with USACE staff, existing data sheets and maps will be reviewed and prioritized for data entry or digitizing maps. Prior to manipulation of any digital files, a back-up copy will be archived for long-term storage following standard protective measures of USACE to ensure data protection. Renaming existing files and naming new files will follow a standardized structure consistent with USACE filenaming practices. A document will be maintained describing the organization protocol for digital files, tracking file name changes, data merges, the history of issues encountered with data organization, and how those issues were resolved. These will begin from USACE’s existing file directory for turtle data. While it may not be possible to bring all hard-copy data into electronic format, we will document what is done and outline the process for USACE staff to continue the conversion of remaining items to digital format.