Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Patterns in ungulate genetics in Glacier National Park

Project ID: G23AC00409

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: Oregon State University

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $23,246

Total Funding: $23,246

Project Type: Research

Principal Investigator: Epps, Clinton

Agreement Technical Representative: Graves, Tabitha

Abstract: The goal of this research is to analyze existing ungulate genetic samples to identify individuals for genetic structure analyses and spatial capture-recapture estimates of goat and possibly bighorn abundance and trend. 

Specific objectives include: 

  1. Develop and analyze genetic markers for mountain goats in a national park: Assessing the number of unique individuals and genetic diversity at the scale of a national park requires development of genetic markers specific to that region. 
  2. Collaborate on assessment of genetic structure and population estimates.