Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Prepare Written Materials for Public Education Relating to Resources of Cultural Significance at Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

Project ID: P23AC01843

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $55,000

Total Funding: $55,000

Project Type: Research

National Park: Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

Principal Investigator: Deur, Doug

Agreement Technical Representative: Rupp, Elizabeth

Abstract: Investigators from the Recipient and NPS staff will collaborate to accomplish specific project objectives. Through a review and distillation of existing reports, project files, and ethnographic notes, as well as consultation with Dena’ina representatives, the Recipient will produce several short writings aimed at nontechnical audiences wishing to understand LACL and Dena’ina connections to the lands and resources managed by the NPS. The project will result in 1) the production of compelling and widely accessible article-length written summaries of the Chulitna Traditional Use Study, Telaquana Trail Cultural Landscape Report and the Kijik Cultural Landscape Report including the development of professionally formatted and illustrated versions of these writings, suitable for printing and/or online use by the NPS 2) producing publishable article-length summaries of the overarching cultural significance of certain Dena’ina cultural trails, fish camps, and hunting values documented within LACL and 3) submitting these articles for publication in a journal, magazine, or other non-NPS venue that reaches a wide public readership.