Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Quantifying relationships between remotely sensed riparian and upland wetland areas and stream temperature and flow in the upper Donner and Blitzen River basin

Project ID: G23AC00489

Federal Agency: U.S. Geological Survey

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $55,000

Total Funding: $55,000

Project Type: Research

Principal Investigator: Moskal, Monika

Agreement Technical Representative: Dunham, Jason

Agreement Technical Representative: Torgersen, Christian

Abstract: The goal of this research project is to integrate several scientific disciplines to develop an understanding of linkages among topography, vegetation, hydrology, and water quality. The data and models from this work will be used to quantify spatial heterogeneity of drought resilience and inform decision-making in aquatic and terrestrial conservation and management. 

Specific research objectives are: 

  1. Develop spatially explicit maps of wetland intrinsic potential for the upper Blitzen River watershed using existing lidar, airborne and satellite imagery, and other publicly available spatial data layers. 
  2. Compare spatial patterns of wetland areas and topographic features to remotely sensed thermal infrared data on stream temperature and optical imagery of channel morphology and riparian characteristics.