Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Relocating Historic Populations of Sensitive and Rare Vegetation at Mount Rainier National Park

Project ID: P23AC02293

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: University of Washington

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $25,540

Total Funding: $25,540

Project Type: Research

National Park: Mount Rainier National Park

Principal Investigator: Gibble, Wendy

Principal Investigator: Owen, Christina

Agreement Technical Representative: Fallon, Beth

Agreement Technical Representative: Lofgren, Rebecca

Abstract: This work will 1) update sensitive vascular plant species lists for Mount Rainier National Park (MORA), 2) create a reference set of data for those species including habitats, known spatial locations and descriptive locations (without spatial data), 3) locate species in the field to confirm presence and/or refine spatial information, prioritizing species likely to occur in locations of proposed or potential disturbance due to visitation, management actions, or other projected habitat changes. 

Identifying sensitive vascular plant species (rare or endemic, of protected status, or projected to be at increasing risk from habitat change or loss) at MORA and protecting existing populations is critical to the NPS mission. There are at least 17 known sensitive vascular plant species in the park and up to 28 additional species that may occur within the park boundary, yet information on many of those species is incomplete and based on single or very few collections a century old. The lack of accurate information leaves these species more vulnerable to damage and loss.