Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Support for Data Collection and Management Related to the Production, Prices, Employment and Trade in Northwest Forest Industries Modernization Project

Project ID: 20-CR-11261975-031

Federal Agency: U.S. Forest Service

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2020

Initial Funding: $30,000

Total Funding: $30,000

Principal Investigator: Gaines, Eleanor

Agreement Technical Representative: Daniels. Jean

Abstract: The Pacific Northwest Research Station of Forest Service (PNW) has been collecting the production, price, employment and trade data (PPET) in Northwest forest industries since 1962. The data have been widely used by regional governments, industries and other stakeholders to track activities and trends in forest products industries. The Institute for Natural Resources – Portland State University (INR) has been working with the PNW Research Station to compile a database of economic information related to Northwest forest industrial activities to assist with PPET publications. PNW is discontinuing hardcopy publication of PPET and will instead be providing the data tables in a downloadable Web-based platform hosted on the Station website. This proposal is to continue the relationship with the INR by providing funding for student workers and staff to support efforts to modernize the way PPET is produced and made available to the public. PPET modernization provides an opportunity to improve processes, deliverables, partnerships, relevance, and communication of forest sector trends and data delivery