Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Technical Assistance, Education, and Research Partnership between the Klamath Network and Southern Oregon University

Project ID: P23AC02212

Federal Agency: National Park Service

Partner Institution: Southern Oregon University

Fiscal Year: 2023

Initial Funding: $78,358

Total Funding: $78, 358

Project Type: Technical Assistance

Principal Investigator: Smith, Vincent

Agreement Technical Representative: Chung-MacCoubrey, Alice

Abstract: Since 2003, NPS and Southern Oregon University (SOU or Recipient) have partnered to monitor the health and condition of natural resources in parks of the Klamath Network (KLMN); mutually benefit from the shared expertise among staff of both institutions; and provide students with opportunities to learn about and participate in activities supporting science-based natural resource management. This collaboration has provided KLMN with an office on the SOU campus in Ashland, Oregon (thus positioning KLMN centrally among its parks in southern Oregon and northern California), created opportunities for staff and students to participate in long term monitoring at national parks, and facilitated

development of joint research projects. SOU provides operational support to the NPS, including office space, information technology support, library, laboratory, and mail services, and project staff. SOU students and recent graduates benefit by being involved with NPS projects, learning about the NPS, and gaining technical skills needed to be competitive in the natural resource and educational job markets. Furthermore, NPS supports learning and professional engagement by providing guest lectures, hosting meetings and other events to bring park staff, faculty, and students together, attending outreach events (e.g., Career Day, Earth Day, etc.), and mentoring students.

SOU and NPS will continue this collaboration using a phased approach. The number, nature, and timing of opportunities (e.g., internships, employment, mentorship, guest lectures, etc.) vary each year depending on classes offered, types of planned meetings, dates of outreach events, composition of the student body, KLMN Vital Signs monitoring schedule, and numerous other factors. Thus KLMN staff will meet each year with the SOU Principal Investigator (PI) to review accomplishments, identify opportunities, and establish plans for the coming year. Based on acceptable accomplishment and availability of future funding, continuation of this partnership will be conducted on an annual basis.