Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Water Quality Modeling Support for Columbia and Snake River System

Project ID: W912HZ-19-2-0026

Federal Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Partner Institution: Portland State University

Fiscal Year: 2019

Initial Funding: $149,300

Total Funding: $446,533

Principal Investigator: Zhang, Zhonglong

Agreement Technical Representative: Whitaker, Sherry

Abstract: Portland State University (PSU) will support the work sponsored by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District to provide water quality modeling support for Columbia and Snake River System under the Columbia River System Operations (CRSO) Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
Two primary models are used for water quality assessments under the CRSO EIS project are CE- QUAL W2 and HEC-RAS.
The support tasks will include:
18. Improve model documentation as code changes or model updates are made;
19. Work with ERDC’s version of CE-QUAL-W2 and integrate into one code base as necessary and when EIS model is modified;
20. Develop algorithms for automating the model to reach targets for TDG in both CE-QUAL W2 and RAS;
21. Continue testing and improving efficacy of TDG code in CE-QUAL-W2 and RAS;
22. Provide support for bugs, work arounds, or training on different aspects of new CE- QUAL-W2 and RAS code to support the EIS water quality technical team;
23. Conduct CE-QUAL W2 and RAS modeling to support EIS alternative analysis;
24. Provide expert review of Columbia River system models, such as RBM-10, which are being used in parallel projects such as the lower Columbia/Snake River TMDL.
These tasks will achieve the objectives listed in W912HZ-18-SOI-0005: Objective 1: Participate on the CRSO EIS Water Quality Technical Team.
Objective 2: Provide technical support for the further development and improvement of
Columbia and Snake River CE-QUAL W2 and RAS models.
Objective 3: Conduct CE-QUAL W2 and RAS modeling to support EIS alternative analysis.