Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

Willamette Valley Prairie Pollinator Studies

Project ID: W912HZ-22-2-0021

Federal Agency: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Partner Institution: Institute for Applied Ecology

Fiscal Year: 2022

Initial Funding: $94,980

Total Funding: $284,940

Principal Investigator: Kaye, Tom

Abstract: The Willamette Valley Project will work cooperatively with the investigators to identify key factors pollinator studies could address, determine appropriate field methods, review research designs, evaluate data as it becomes available, and adjust methods accordingly. Key staff are located at the Fern Ridge Office, west of Eugene, Oregon. WVP will provide background material as available and participate in technical meetings for planning purposes and where the results of this work are discussed. WVP personnel may accompany researchers in the field and participate in data collection as appropriate. The Government may also assist in data analysis review and provide workspace and equipment as necessary.