Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

April 22, 2022

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Funding Opportunity: Installations of the Future

Request for Statements of Interest

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Funding Opportunity No: W81EWF-22–SOI-0014

Program Title: Installations of the Future (Proof of Concept for Smart Sensors to Reduce Solid Waste)
Announcement Type: Initial announcement
Issue Date: 14 April 2022
Statement of Interest/Qualifications Due Date: 16 May 2022 @ 1300 central time
Full Application Package Due Date, if Invited: 13 June 2022 @ 1300 central time
Estimated Award Ceiling: $200,000.00
Estimated Total Program Funding (optional): $200,000.00

For full announcement search W81EWF-22–SOI-0014 at

Eligible Applicants – This opportunity is restricted to non-federal partners of the South Florida – Caribbean Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU) and the Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystems Studies Unit (CESU).

The government seeks research and technical support for smart sensor design and fabrication of smart sensors to track real-time weights in interior waste containers at two (2) military Installations. Support is also sought for statistical analyses of data results. Study design and study sites will be decided based upon input from selected Installations, ERDC-CERL, Sponsoring Agency, and CESU partners.

Details of primary tasks for Year 1 are as follows:

Primary Task 1: Smart Sensor Design and Fabrication
Sensors shall be able to collect real-time data on solid waste weight generation in interior waste containers and send that data to a sequestered data repository accessible to CERL researchers. Due to variability in container dimensions, sensors need a flexible design that can be tailored to each container. Sensors shall be fabricated by the awardee.

Primary Task 2: Sensor Installation
Sensors shall be placed in all interior waste containers at two (2) military Installations. At each Installation, sensors will be installed in interior waste containers at up to two (2) dining facilities, the common areas of up to two (2) office buildings, and the common areas of up to two (2) barracks buildings. Installation of sensors shall take place in summer 2022 at the selected Installations.

Primary Task 3: Data Collection
Data collection shall take place over a period of up to three (3) months, with ten (10) to twelve (12) weeks anticipated.

Primary Task 4: Statistical Analyses
Using standard statistical methods, data shall be analyzed.

Agency Contact
Phoebe Fuller, Grants Specialist
US Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Research and Development Center
3909 Halls Ferry Road
Vicksburg, MS 39180-6199