Pacific Northwest Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU)

July 22, 2019

USACE funding opportunity: Management, Species, Hawaiian Petrel & Newells Shearwater


Funding Opportunity No: USACE_W911KB-19-2-0203

Cooperative Agreement, $221,298, 18 month period of performance.

This Statement of Work (SOW) provides the details of work to be performed for the U.S. Air Force (AF) 611th Civil Engineering Squadron (CES) through a cooperative agreement (CA) administered by the US Army Corps of Engineers, Alaska District (USACE) and the Cooperator. The Cooperator shall support the Pacific Air Forces Regional Support Center (PRSC), 611 Civil Engineer Squadron Natural Resources Program with completion of specific monitoring tasks relating to the monitoring of recreational fishing on selected fish stocks at Wake Atoll

In order to best manage these species, and continue to be allowed to offer recreational fishing opportunities at this extremely remote installation, the AF is requesting the assistance of the Cooperator on four key areas. First, to help to determine the efficacy of previous and current fishery management actions and decisions. Second, to understand the effect that these efforts and actions are having on the resources. Third, to provide guidance on the program (including through analysis of previous data) and to inform future management. Fourth, to provide new data (through underwater fish surveys) on the status of species presence, trends in fish assemblages, and general assessment of previously studied fishery target species populations. Through the execution of this scope of work, the Cooperator shall furnish the personnel, services, equipment, tools, materials, required transportation, management and other requirements necessary for, or incidental to, the performance of work set forth herein; assure any and all program and/or project related costing information (regardless of its stage in development) is secured, as directed by the Grants Officer (CO); and be responsible for safeguarding proprietary, classified, and other sensitive information.