Synthesis Interest are seeking Individuals interested in a unique opportunity for real-world community health experience to participate in a leading-edge telemedicine demonstration program. Initially during this demonstration program phase, involvement will be on a volunteer basis with a strong potential for an on-going compensated role as the results from the project are more widely applied. Those with some form of medical knowledge or training are preferred but not required.
Current conditions, as a result of the Covid-19 health crisis, have highlighted the importance of assuring that accurate information and the effective delivery of health information and services are made widely available to our seniors, especially those with limited access. One of the consequences of our present crisis, is the significant recognition of the critical importance of being able to communicate, assess and treat individuals using communication technologies in order to make use of our care providers, governmental and other organizations expertise and resources.
However, such programs have not yet been widely available and used by seniors as the most vulnerable portion of our population and those typically with chronic conditions. Significant barriers are widespread, limiting access to and comfort with personal mobile devices together with the absence of resources for support and assistance.
This demonstration program will realize an alternative physical setting together with essential trained support persons that together directly address these barriers. It is to function as a “model” which can provide pragmatic and detailed guidance for senior housing providers, senior centers and senior service organizations. It is made up of two major elements.
The design and construction of a TELEMEDICINE STATION-as a prefabricated structure to meet HIPPA requirements, to accommodate a patient, designated patient partner and potentially a trained person, equipped with a high definition computer and web cam to enable two-way video conferencing between the patient and their health care providers. Essential to enable the effective use of this station, is the presence of persons trained to serve as “TELEMEDICINE GUIDES” providing ongoing assistance to senior project participants in the use of the stations.
A demonstration telemedicine station will be installed in the Stillaguamish Senior Center in Arlington and at a major senior housing community located in King County.
During this demonstration program, the telemedicine guides will have the following responsibilities:
Helping to identify initial program senior participants together with the terms of their health insurance and primary care providers. Research the specific telemedicine platforms employed by those providers including the availability of instructions for their use and equipment requirements.
Assist to provide orientation to program participants as to the access to and availability of telemedicine services and information using the Telemedicine Hub Assist to help participants log into and conduct telemedicine communications Assist participants to clarify the content resulting from these telemedicine communications especially as related to on-gong personalized wellness actions to be taken Assist to follow-up to clarify issues and concerns raised by program participants Assist to evaluate the use and effectiveness of the demonstration program including the identification of issues and barriers together with areas for improvement
Send all inquiries together with a description of experience and background to: