Teach For America, Friday February 10th!

Subject Line: FINAL Deadline: Teach For America – Friday 2/10!

Teach For America’s FINAL application deadline is Friday, February 10th. – Click here to view the application: https://www.teachforamerica.org/online/info/index.jsp

In America, zip code determines one’s life outcomes. Kids growing up in poverty are more likely to call a prison bed home than their college dorm room. The color of a child’s skin or the size of a child’s parent’s paycheck should not determine his or her destiny. Teach For America is your opportunity to have a direct impact on the lives of hundreds of students and families to change this fact. Our students need us now, more than ever. The application is designed to be a minimal initial investment of 2-3 hours; even if you are still exploring post-graduate options, also consider submitting your Teach For America application. This is the last chance to apply this school year for an opportunity to serve as a classroom teacher immediately after graduation. Application requirements are simply:

· Resume

· 500 word Letter of Intent

· No letters of recommendation to apply

See the impact you can have here:

· Our YouTube site: http://www.youtube.com/user/teachforamerica

· Stories from corps members and alum: http://www.teachforamerica.org/now/

The basics of Teach For America:

· All academic majors and backgrounds accepted (background in education/teacher certification is not required)

· Salary ranging from $35,000-$51,000 a year with health insurance and retirement benefits

· Loan forbearance and paid interest for two years and AmeriCorps Education award of $10,700

· Regional placement is not random; applicants preference location in our 43 regions and subject/grade level

· Option to receive your certification and/or Masters in Teaching

· Graduate school and employer partnerships for alum to continue their societal impact

Best application resources:

· Application timeline: http://www.teachforamerica.org/why-teach-for-america/how-to-apply

· What TFA looks for: http://www.teachforamerica.org/why-teach-for-america/who-we-look-for/how-we-evaluate-applicants

· Preparation tips and a sample resume: http://www.teachforamerica.org/why-teach-for-america/how-to-apply/preparation-tips

To learn more about our organization, visit www.teachforamerica.org or contact Katherine Kleitsch (kkleitsch@teachforamerica.org)

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