AAMC Free Practice Test Site Updates – www.e-mcat.com

The MCAT Program wanted to let you know about changes to e-MCAT Practice affecting how students get the free practice test. The free e-MCAT Practice Test (Practice Test 3) continues to be offered to students free of charge. However, the process for accessing this test has changed. Students can now order this test at www.aamc.org/freemcatpractice. This free practice test and all of the AAMC preparation products that apply to the current MCAT exam will be available through January 31, 2015, as reflected in the terms and conditions. For more information about MCAT preparation products offered by the AAMC, visit www.aamc.org/mcat/preparing. If you have any questions, please contact us at mcatprep@aamc.orgmcatprep@aamc.org>. Best regards, Jen Page Director, MCAT Preparation Products

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