Free Practice Test Opportunity for Undergraduates

As you are planning for spring quarter, it’s also time to review your path to Grad School. One step in that process is prepping for Graduate School exams. Kaplan is spreading our message of Practice Smarter with our Get Started Free Practice Test Events. Wherever you are on your path to Grad School a perfect start is with a practice test. We will be hosting a free GRE, LSAT, MCAT, DAT, OAT and PCAT tests on Saturday, March 1st at 11:00am in the UW School of Law. Each attendee will get a detailed score report highlighting their strengths and weaknesses, complete explanations of every question, and strategies for improvement. Take the exam in-person ( or live online ( Attendees will also be eligible for a drawing for $500 off a Kaplan course! We will send you an email confirming your registration and providing instruction for check in the day of the test.

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