Seats Available 5-Credit Optional Composition Courses w/ Biology 180, 200 and 220

I would like your help letting students know of spaces still available in “C” courses linked with the Introduction to Biology sequence (BIOL 180, 200 and 220). I know this is a relatively specialized niche, but these are a terrific resource for students in one of our most challenging UW introductory science sequences. Three of the links are taught by Biology post-docs who are deeply invested in science teaching and one is taught by the IWP Director. Thanks for help in circulating this information to the students who might most benefit from it. Best regards, Norman ******* Spaces are still available for ENGL 299 A and 299 B, 5-credit optional composition courses linked with BIOL 180, 200 and 220 where students develop their science writing skills in small collaborative 20-student seminars. SLN 13615 ENL 199 D MWF 1030-1120 MOR 116 VAN BUREN,AMY (“C” or “W”) SLN 13679 ENGL 299 A MWF 930-1020 BAG 106 WACKER,NORMAN J. (“C” or “W”) SLN 13680 ENGL 299 B MWF 1130-1220 MOR 116 MALEY,STEPHEN N. (“C” or “W”) SLN 13681 ENGL 299 C MWF 1230-120 PAR 305 CROWTHER,GREGORY J (“C” or “W”) These courses remain open and do not require add codes. For further contact IWP Program Coordinator Karen Wennerstrom, Karen-IWP <> or the IWP Program Director, Norman Wacker ( ________________________________________________________________________

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