Movie Screening and Panel Discussion on Homelessness in Seattle

Hello, I’m an Outreach and Advocacy co-chairman for a UW club called ETCH (Education Transforming Community Health). ETCH has partnered up with the ROOTS Young Adult Shelter to hold a documentary screening and panel discussion on the documentary. The documentary is called Invisible Young and it was made in Seattle. On the panel will be ROOTS executive director Kristine Cunningham and the film maker Steven Keller. “Invisible Young is an inspiring, award-winning documentary film that tells the life stories of four young adults, all of whom lived on the streets as teenagers. It takes a revealing look at their families, they day to day lives, their possible fates, and follows them as they strive for a hopeful, prosperous future.” The documentary screening will be held on Thursday, April 17th from 5:30 to 7pm at the UW School of Social Work Room 305. For more information refer to the attached flyer or the website for information on the documentary: Berhane

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