Pre-med/TFA networking dinner


Students who will be graduating this year and want to take time off before going to medical school are invited to a (free) informal dinner event with Teach For America alumni, including Dr. Eric Seymour.

Dr. Seymour is eager to share his experiences with students interested in a career in medicine or health.  From a Yale sociology major, to a Teach For America corps member in Mississippi, to a medical student at UCSF,  to  a Zuckerman Fellow at Harvard earning a Masters of Public Health, to a resident at Seattle Children’s—Dr. Seymour’s path had been filled with experiences to broaden his career impact in the field.

In addition, you can also learn a bit more about the Teach For America experience and how it fits in to your long-term career in the health field.

Event details:

Thursday, Oct 22

7:30–8:30 PM

Big Time Brewery

4133 University Way NE, Seattle

Please RSVP by Wednesday, October 21st, so they may order appropriately.

If you have question or are interested, but can’t attend please email


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