AAMC Virtual Medical School fair


Join us for the second annual AAMC Virtual Medical School Fair, taking place Thursday, February 16 from 12 – 8 p.m. ET. Chat with 48 U.S., Puerto Rican and Canadian medical schools from the comfort of your computer or mobile device!

Registration is FREE to students.

At the fair you can:

  • Chat with reps from each school between noon-8 pm ET.
  • Save resouces in a personal “briefcase” as you visit each school.
  • Access documents, links, and videos from each school, the AAMC, and the National Association of Advisors for the Health Professions (NAAHP).
  • Attend virtual presentations.

Last year interview offers were extended based on interactions admissions officers had with applicants at the fair.

For the full list of participating schools, visit https://students-residents.aamc.org/choosing-medical-career/article/2017-aamc-virtual-medical-school-fair/?edit

REGISTER ONLINE AT https://aamc.6connex.com/event/AAMC/login

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