**This posting is shared to notify pre-health students of a FREE Test-Prep Resource through Kaplan. The UW and UW UAA Pre-Health Advising team does not endorse one test prep company over any other. We encourage students to consider all test prep options to identify the best fit for them.
Direct all inquiries to the contact information in the post for more information on this particular option.**
Your UW Kaplan Ambassador is excited to share a new way for pre-health students to altruistically study for a test! Everyone get access to three FREE practice tools for the test of their choice, while also helping Kaplan reach our goal of donating up to 100 scholarships, valued at $125,000, to the Boys and Girls Club of America. And each student who takes one of these free practice exercises helps us get closer to reaching that goal.
This quarter, Kaplan is all about giving back. Kaplan has new practice exercises designed with your free time in mind. Whether you have 5 minutes for a pop quiz, 20 minutes for a quick workout, or a free afternoon for a full-length, proctored practice test, we have you covered.
Choose one, or all of these exercises, and you’ll also support the Boys and Girls Club of America! Every time you help yourself with practice, Kaplan will donate to this amazing organization. Their goal is to donate 100 scholarships, valued up to $125,000, for students in need.
Pick your practice now at: http://ktp.events/UniversityofWashington