SDB Screens

SRF155 - Orientation Sessions

Jump to instructions for this screen

                     O R I E N T A T I O N   S E S S I O N S                *C* 
QTR/YEAR:AUT/1999 DATE:__/__/____

    06/23/1999     282          1        283   OVERNIGHT
    06/24/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    06/28/1999     289          0        289   OVERNIGHT
    06/29/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    06/30/1999     288          1        289   OVERNIGHT
    07/01/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    07/02/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    07/06/1999       1         94         95   ONE DAY - TRANSFER
    07/07/1999     288          0        288   OVERNIGHT
    07/08/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    07/09/1999       1        113        114   ONE DAY - TRANSFER
    07/12/1999      47          0         47   ONE DAY
    07/13/1999       0          0          0   ONE DAY
    07/14/1999     227          0        227   OVERNIGHT
    07/15/1999       3          0          3   ONE DAY
    07/16/1999       0        109        109   ONE DAY - TRANSFER
    07/19/1999     269          0        269   OVERNIGHT

                                               PRESS SEND FOR MORE DATES

Instructions for screen SRF155

New Student Programs (NSP) uses this screen to see how many students are registered for orientation. These numbers are never accurate. NSP uses an internal database that is more accurate. These numbers do not include EOP, Athletes, or other students that register on different days than their orientation.

SRF146 | SDB Screen Index | SRF160

Screen last updated:June 19, 2009, 1:41 pm