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SRU320 E X T E N S I O N / C R E D I T B Y E X A M I N A T I O N *Z* XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX STUDENT,J J 11/11/11 __ 08/01/97 REVIEWED/COM TOTAL CREDITS ON RECORD:020.0 TOTAL APPLIED TOWARD DEGREE: 0.O ACTN TYPE UW? DEPT # COURSE TITLE CREDIT GRADE BEGIN DATE END DATE _ IND _ PSYCH 207 PSYCH OF PEACE 5.0 4.0 09/30/96 12/18/96 _ EXM N_ GERMAN 999 CR BY EXM: SCCC 10.0 09/16/97 _ AP _ MATH 126 CALC ANALYTIC GEOM 5.0 01/01/97 __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ _ ___ _ ______ ___ ___________________ __._ ___ __/__/__ __/__/__ EXT=EXTENSION IND=INDEPENDENT STUDY EXM=CREDIT BY EXAM AP=ADVANCE PLACEMENT GET FIRST PAGE? _
This screen is used by GAR's and Admissions to enter distance learning, extension, credit by exam and AP credit.
TOTAL CREDITS ON RECORD: Total credits for the courses listed are posted here.
TOTAL APPLIED TOWARD DEGREE: Not all recorded credits will apply toward degree requirements. Some exceptions are post-baccalaureate and graduate students. For undergraduates maximum of 45 credits of extension are allowed from OTHER schools. The University allows a maximum of 90 credits of extension (everything on SRF320 ) to apply toward degree requirements.
ACTN: Action A= add; D=delete. One of the frustrations with this screen is that there is NO change option. If you make a mistake and enter it, you must delete the whole line and re-enter the data.
TYPE: EXT=EXTENSION IND=INDEPENDENT STUDY (also known as distance learning or correspondence) EXM=CREDIT BY EXAM AP=ADVANCE PLACEMENT (if AP entered by GARS will have matching UW course title entered; Admissions enters the exam title (i.e. AB examination) or "BY CEEB".
UW?: Indicates the credit was earned at another school; will display (N) for credit not earned at UW.
DEPT: Departmental abbreviation should match UW.
#: Could be a UW course number OR a fake number such as 999 for courses transferred in as credit by exam from another school.