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SRU335 U W D E G R E E S *E* XXXXXXX 000018235 000-00-XXXX STUDENT,J J 11/11/11 _ 08/01/97 REVIEWED/COM PAGE 1 OF 1 TOTAL DEGREES 1 MEMO CURRENT ENROLL STATUS: 12 REGISTERED CURRENT QUARTER CREDITS: 5.0 DIPLOMA NAME: J. J. JULIUS 1ST DEGREE ACTION: _ DEGREE STATUS: 9 GRANTED DEGREE DATE: 03/20/98 LEVEL:1 TYPE:2 BRANCH:2 COLL:Z MAJ:_-T BUS -00 _-______-__ _-______-__ __ TITLE:BACHELOR OF ARTS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION QTR/YR:WIN/1998 HONOR:_ COMMENT:_____________________________ GPA: 4.00 TOTAL CR: 180.0 (UW: 135.0 EXT:___._ TRANSFER: 45.0) TOTAL EXPECTED CR ___._ THESIS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ MINORS: _-_-______-__ _-_-______-__ _-_-______-__ NOTE : DEGREE STATUS 2=INCOMPLETE, 3,4,5=APPLIED, 9=GRANTED
This screen is used by GARs to enter information for undergraduate students who have applied to graduate and to post degrees for undergraduates, graduate and professional students.
PAGE 1 OF 1: This field indicates the number of degrees applied or earned by the student. If there are multiple degrees the user changes the number after the page to display additional degree screens for the same student. For example, if it indicates 1 of 3, then to view the other degrees, change to 2 of 3, etc..
DIPLOMA NAME: Displays name student has requested to appear on the diploma. The student's last name must match the last name on SDB. GAR's uses specific notations to accommodate the diploma accent conversion chart for Jostens. (i.e. the exclamation mark in Ren!ee converts to Rene'e for the diploma printer).
ACTION: (A=Add) used when first entering degree information; (C=Change) used to change existing information; (D=delete) used to delete all degree information on the screen
DEGREE STATUS: Indicates current degree status of that particular degree displayed. NOTE:
DEGREE DATE: Only one degree date per quarter, the last day of finals.
TITLE: Degree applied for or earned (could be undergraduate, graduate or professional).
GPA Displays the UW cumulative GPA at the time of graduation if the degree status is 9 (granted).
TOTAL CR: Displays total credit allowed toward degree requirements at the time of graduation separated into three categories (UW, Extension and Transfer credit).
THESIS: GAR's enters thesis or dissertations titles for advanced degrees here. This area may also display honors (i.e. With College Honors in Chemistry).
MINORS: Minors awarded only to undergraduates; students can earn a maximum of three.